御位い高き高天原の神々様より、御神意で創設された由緒正しき神社 http://www.mikuni.or.jp


12月 ●二年参り・初参り

1月 ●お焚き上げ式

2月 ●意成講

4月 ●桜花祭

5月 ●端午祭

7月 ●七夕祭

8月 ●夏祭り大祭

9月 ●敬月祭

9月 ●瑞穂祭

10月 ●銭洗い祭

11月 ●恵比須講

  Experiment 1

Experiment 1
Radioactively-contaminated water 596g sampled from Maebashi, Gunma prefecture
(cesium 1371.5Bq/kg)

Radiation values measured Radioactively-contaminated water 596g after a rite of Shinto practice(no.11 of the results table). (Putting another substance or to add a new Mizuho water, physical change has not been given).

Experimental result;Radioactive Cesium 605.5Bq/kg
111.4Bq/kg decreased from the experiment No.10, it means a decrease of over 15%.

In addition, Radioactively-contaminated water containing Mizuho water, which had been clear and colorless, became clouded white quickly.

(Photo 1)
Radioactively-contaminated water was clear and colorless originally.

(Photo 2)
Radioactively-contaminated water became cloudy white after a rite of Shinto practice.

Re-measuring the filtered radioactively-contaminated water after collecting cloudy material in the filter paper

The radioactive material was not detected from cloudy material.
Radiation values of the filtered fadioactively-contaminated water was returned before a rite of Shinto practice.

①A measuring instrument

③Experiment 2
Experimental results for soil 665g (cesium 2958.0Bq/kg), sampled from the schoolyard of an elementary school in Saitama Prefecture

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